
Our best selling products

Strive for the happiness of the world's elderly and make every step of the world's elderly happy life

about us

Into Shandong Kangshun daily necessities Co., Ltd
About us
Work hard for the happiness of the world's elderly
Shandong Kangshun daily necessities Co., Ltd. is a modern enterprise engaged in the production and sales of adult diapers, adult diapers and adult care pads. The company is located in the Yellow River scenic area of Yaoshan section, Tianqiao District, Jinan City, and was built in May 2013, covering an area of 20000 square meters. The construction area is 10000 square meters, with a total investment of more than 30 million yuan. The company has a modern clean and hygienic production environment, 4 modern production lines and more than 100 employees. Produce high quality products......

8 Social standards let you rest assured of cooperation

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